Hello! My name is Linda Seiford. I created this site to be a source of knowledge, encouragement, and hope. Every individual travels a unique journey in life, but we are all more similar than we are different. I feel a deep responsibility to share what I have learned over the years, and this is one way in which I can do that. Words are powerful. They change lives. It is my hope that the words shared here will be words that reach you when you most need them; words that help you to realize you are not alone.

Every semester, I introduce myself to new students so that they know a little bit about me, my background, and my journey. It would probably be beneficial to do the same here. I possess a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology with a specialization in Developmental Psychology, a Master’s Degree in Organizational Psychology, and a Bachelor’s Degree in Applied Psychology. I am a psychology professor, a researcher, an advocate for children, and a writer. I have worked extensively with children who have been identified as having special needs, their families, and the professionals who serve them. I have facilitated support groups for families of children with special needs, and adult grief support groups. I have mentored, trained, and supervised individuals in a variety of settings, and I have pursued advanced training on many forms of intervention. That is important information. It has contributed to who I am. But first and foremost, I am a mom of two grown sons (the oldest of whom has special needs). While I worked to become a Ph.D., I was blessed to become a mom.

In many ways, I am probably not so different from you. While the days of being a new mother are long gone, I understand the journey. Diagnoses may differ, but I know what it’s like. I know the worry, the sleepless nights, the exhaustion, the days of running on autopilot, the days of thinking “I’ve got this”, and the days of spinning in circles. I try to be the best version of myself, but in all honesty, some days I am more successful at it than others. My guess is that you are too.

As this site becomes more developed, you will see blog posts, information regarding books and articles I’ve written or contributed to, information for courses that I’m developing, and other materials.

Thank you for visiting. I hope the information on this site guides you to greater wisdom, peace, light, and love.