The Year of the Poinsettia

This has unofficially been dubbed the year of the poinsettia. Well, in my mind it has. When I think back to the holiday season of 2018, my memories will be filled with gorgeous splashes of color. These lovely red flowers are brilliant reminders for me to pause, be thankful, and live in the moment. At present, we have 15 of these stunning beauties brightening our home. Excessive? Perhaps. But, to me, every petal is reminiscent of family, friends, and dreams fulfilled. In this case, I think excess is a good thing.           

The day before Thanksgiving, we moved . . . again. We’ve moved eleven times. We enjoy it. In fact, we look forward to moving. Each move is an adventure that allows us to meet incredible people and experience life in a new way. It is an opportunity to consider the life we are living and make any changes we deem to be necessary. It is a built-in opportunity to begin anew. But this most recent move was different. This time we knew we were moving into THE home. This was the home we dreamed of having as a young couple but couldn’t possibly afford. We knew in our hearts this would be our “forever” home.

As is the case for anyone setting up a new household, there were some items we needed to purchase. While moving the day before a holiday wasn’t without its challenges, it did allow us to capitalize on some of the fantastic sales the day after Thanksgiving. So, like many others, we made a list, planned our strategy, and set off in complete darkness for the day’s adventures. With tea in hand (coffee for my husband), we were eager to begin! We were the dynamic duo of bargain shopping that morning! At one point during our expedition, we parted ways for a brief period. It didn’t become clear to me just what my husband had been up to until later in the day.

When we eventually returned home, we were tired but content. We felt quite accomplished. Zoe greeted me with some serious tail wagging and many exuberant puppy kisses. I scooped her up, turned away from the door, and what I saw caused my jaw to drop. The kitchen had been transformed into what seemed to be a holiday greenhouse. Twelve poinsettias spanned the entire kitchen island. They were lovely, but I couldn’t understand how twelve poinsettias had found their way to our kitchen. I was speechless (not a common occurrence, I assure you). As I attempted to find my voice, I heard my husband going on about the “fantastic deal” he had stumbled upon while we were shopping. Trying to reconcile the beauty of the holiday scene with the reality of having to find places for this many blooming plants, my mind was reeling. I couldn’t imagine what had possessed him to make this purchase! I repeatedly looked from him to the twelve holiday blossoms, and with each glance he seemed more pleased with himself! I shook my head and muttered something about so many flowers, but I could hardly fault him. They were exquisite, and I loved that he was so excited to bring beauty into our new home.

For a few days, these gorgeous blooms remained where they were. The solid granite island had been transformed to a fluid sea of poinsettias. Eventually, each plant was assigned a specific space to adorn – a table, a niche, a corner. But just as quickly as each plant was relocated, another was introduced into the scene. As friends came to “warm” our home, they brought spectacular blossoms! Initially, I feared they would feel badly for bringing a poinsettia to a poinsettia-laden home, so I made a point to address the abundance of seasonal beauty to which they had contributed. Truth be told, I was immensely grateful. I never would have considered purchasing so many poinsettias for my home during one holiday season. That would have been an extravagance in which I wouldn’t have indulged. But, their abundant presence in my home brings me continuous joy that reminds me of just how much beauty there is in this world.

During this holiday season, I hope you take time to appreciate the beauty, to focus on what is truly important, and to create some very special memories. Make the year of the poinsettia one of your finest yet!