The Gift of Grace

I sat in the dimly lit room enjoying the warmth of the crackling fire. Multicolored flames playfully danced among the glowing logs. The lights on the decorated tree twinkled mischievously. I cradled the warm mug between my hands, breathed in the full-bodied aroma of the decadent liquid, and allowed my mind to wander. As I enjoyed the cozy environment, I turned my head, glanced out the window, and saw two deer moving gracefully through the freshly fallen snow. Zoe sighed deeply and snuggled her soft form into the fleece blanket that gently covered my legs. I lovingly tousled her silky curls and felt the rhythmic beating of her heart. I smiled as her tail twitched ever so slightly. She was enjoying such a peaceful slumber. My eyes moved to the glittering tree and focused on the beautiful angel perched at the top. I stared at the delicate features exquisitely framed by soft cascading curls. I closed my eyes and breathed deeply. As I slowly began to exhale, one word came to mind. Grace.

I have often heard there is beauty in the struggle. While that may be true, I am certain that many are unable to see the beauty right now. This has been a very difficult year. Lives have been lost, jobs have been extinguished, and resources have become scarce. The world has struggled as change has been forced upon us. Lockdowns, social limitations, and the unknown have incited fear and contributed to a wide range of mental and physical health challenges. So many are requiring assistance in an overwhelming number of ways.

I shifted my weight slightly, adjusted the blanket, and gazed at a few brightly colored packages situated beneath the tree. I thought again about the importance of grace. How wonderful it would be if we could wrap this simple kindness to exchange with others. Grace for one another when mistakes are made, when words are harsh, or when actions are hurtful. Grace for ourselves when we are less than perfect, when we cause someone pain, or when we fail to do the right thing. We all need grace.

As we approach this new year, it is my hope that you will recognize the strength that is bringing you through this storm. Appreciate assistance you have been given, express gratitude for small acts of kindness, and reach out to those in need. Above all, give yourself and others the gift of grace.