Grief and the Involuntary Reset: The Power of Intention in the Wake of COVID-19

Standing at the kitchen island, I cradled the steaming cup in between my hands. I closed my eyes briefly, inhaled deeply, and enjoyed the simple pleasure. The mix of spices in my tea danced together and created a full-bodied aroma that swirled, ascended, and tickled my nose. I smiled faintly and was immensely grateful for the familiar morning ritual. The spices I’ve come to know so well, the smells and taste I look forward to, gave me tremendous comfort in what has become an increasingly chaotic world. COVID-19 has touched all of us. No one has been spared. This is an invisible enemy that attacks without warning. It changes the way we live, it brings suffering, and it takes lives. This deadly foe brings fear and isolation. It strips us of the familiar. It causes tremendous grief.

I am extraordinarily protective of my environment. I go to great lengths to be mindful of what I allow into my physical and mental space. The music I enjoy, the programs I view, the materials I read, and the individuals with whom I associate are all intentional choices I make. What I introduce to my environment can color my perception and ultimately enhance or diminish my life’s experience, so I make every effort to choose wisely. In these unsettling times, it helps me to remember that this is something over which I still have control.

I don’t bury my head in the sand, I’m not deep in denial, and I don’t ignore the recommendations. I keep myself informed, do what I can to protect myself and my family, and prepare as best I can. In a perfect world, COVID-19 would never have presented, but it did, and it’s changed our world in a way we didn’t think possible.

I choose to believe that this is giving us an opportunity to grow – to develop strengths we hadn’t yet realized, to prune what hasn’t been working, and to rise above the ordinary. This has forced us to reevaluate the lives we have created. It has presented an involuntary reset – an opportunity to decide what to take forward and what to leave behind.

COVID-19 is a dark force moving stealthily among us. It abducts individuals unaware and infects them with the intent to destroy. This is a terrifying enemy, and I am certainly not immune to the fear it evokes. I grieve the sense of security that has been severely shaken. But I consistently remind myself that I can control how I respond to this pandemic. I can manage what I allow into my space. I can decide what thoughts and emotions to feed.

While these are challenging times, it is my intention to focus on the persistent light that continues to break through the dark shroud caused by the far-reaching tentacles of this enemy. My attention will remain on the amazing individuals who are rising to help others, the indomitable human spirit, and the persistent hope I have for the future.