Fall: A Season of Change, Possibility, and Beginnings

I am always excited to bid summer a fond farewell. While I appreciate the sweet smell of the beautiful flowers that brighten my home, the feel of the cool, green grass beneath my feet, and the excited sounds of children playing during the extended daylight hours, I am especially fond of the fall. The fall brings cooler days and crisp night air. It offers beautiful displays of spectacularly-colored leaves, and clear, star-filled skies. It encourages fluffy blankets for snuggling, and the consumption of warm drinks to soothe the soul. To me, the fall represents a time to begin anew. It’s a built-in opportunity to assess the life I’m creating. It’s a wonderful reminder that life is a gift; a cue to be mindful and present.  It’s a persistent call to action; an unrelenting invitation to become the best version of myself.

For me, the transition to fall has always been prompted by the beginning of the academic year. While my role in academia has significantly changed from my initial entry as an excited kindergarten student to an enthusiastic psychology professor today, the energy and promise associated with the beginning of the academic year remains the same. In fact, the butterflies that used to fly erratically in my five-year-old stomach now commandeer trains that wildly explore the terrain of my adult mind. Whether butterflies or trains, the result is the same. Instead of experiencing a blissful period of restorative sleep, I toss and turn while considering the potential opportunities of the year ahead; opportunities to meet interesting people, learn new information, and challenge myself. The fact that I am in a position that enables me to help others as they progress on their journeys is a powerful bonus, and the enormity of that responsibility is not lost on me.

Not all beginnings have been seamless, and not all have been solely filled with joy. Some have required a considerable amount of energy, and many have brought deep-seated insecurities into full view. But, they’ve all been important in the development of my life story. Growth doesn’t typically happen when life goes as planned. In fact, real growth seems to happen when we are pushed outside of our comfort zones; when we are forced to think outside of the box and look beyond ourselves.

So, whatever your journey this fall, I hope you embrace the opportunity. Look for the potential in the change. Seek the beauty in the struggle. Don’t be afraid to take a step that strays from your current path. Take a chance. Learn something new. Spread your wings. Things may not turn out exactly as you hope, but they most assuredly will not if you don’t make the attempt. Even if life takes you in a completely different direction than you plan, what a journey it could be! You could be on the cusp of the most amazing adventure you’ve ever had, but you’ll never know if you aren’t willing to take a chance. Whatever your season in life, you owe it to yourself to be brave. Own your power. Live authentically. Begin. This isn’t a dress rehearsal. This is your life. What are you waiting for?